Inspiration By The Music

 En esta parte del blog, habrá frases dichas, escritas o compartidas por algun DJ.

"It's an illusion to think you're doing things by yourself, we're all conected by our passion for the music" Dash Berlin

"The day that my passion became my career and my dream became real, was the day that I stopped watching everyone else was doing" TyDi

"A true Artist's success lies on getting his own special spot on someone's mind & life" Jorge Nava

"As I grow from infant to now to the end: may the scars on my hands and knees and heart... be the markings to a little truly lived?" BT

"finding new songs you've never heard before that touch you in ways you could never be touched by another" Jennifer Rene

"Don't be afraid to take chances or fall in love and most of all, live in the moment because every second you espend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back." Edward Maya

"They say unexpected love is the thing that can fill you inner space the most.... Unexpected is amazing :)" Jorge Nava

"If you are crazy enough to think you can change the world you are actually the one who can do it!" Tiësto

"Keep your sweet memories alive, they invigorate your heart and soul." Suzie del Vecchio